Bogdan Iancu stars in Netflix's 'Oh, Ramona!"

Bogdan with cast and crew at a preview screening of “Oh, Ramona!”.

Bogdan with cast and crew at a preview screening of “Oh, Ramona!”.

Bogdan Iancu plays the role of ‘Andrei’ opposite Aggy K. Adam’s (World War Z) ‘Ramona’, in the Netflix feature “Oh, Ramona!".

The comedy is directed by Cristina Jacob, and tells the story of an awkward 16-year-old Andrei (Bogdan) who is infatuated with his alluring but aloof schoolmate Ramona - until he meets stunning hotel clerk Anemona whilst on vacation.

Other cast includes Holly Horne, Adina Stetcu, Basil Eidenbenz, and it is currently available on Netflix.

Trailer for “Oh, Ramona!”